God’s Word affirms His heart for the oppressed and neglected. He specifically calls the church to care for the orphan. While not everyone is called to adopt a child or to become a foster parent, every Christian is called to help care for “the least of these”. (Matt. 25:44-45, James 1:27)

What is a WRAP team? 

The WRAP team is a group of 6-8 individuals committed to serve a specific foster care family through their foster placement. 

The team is descriptive, but not prescriptive. The team has 4 primary roles but all the individuals in the team can participate in all the roles interchangeably. The WRAP team will communicate weekly with the foster family and biweekly with the ministry coordinators to report on the foster family. The team can be an established small group or a group of individuals brought together by their service to the foster family. Each team has a point person to ensure communication with the coordinator and the team.

What does WRAP stand for?

There are 4 primary ways that the church can come alongside foster children and foster families.

W - Wrestle in Prayer

The team communicates regularly with the foster family and prays for/with the family intentionally and continually.

R - Relief Care

The team will care for the foster children or biological children to provide rest for the foster parents or time away or so they can invest in one child’s specific need. The team will build trust and rapport with the children. 1-2 people will be trained to provide more extended respite care when needed. 

A - Acts of Service

The team will communicate weekly with foster family and work collaboratively to serve by providing meals, running errands, tutoring, helping with yard-work, attending birthday parties, etc. The possibilities here are endless!

P - Promises of God

The team will spiritually encourage the foster family through scripture, notes, emails, phone calls, thoughtful actions, etc.

WRAP Questionnaire

Since each foster family is so different, the foster family will complete a WRAP questionnaire to provide their WRAP team with their specific needs and preferences. 

WRAP LeadershipTeam Coordinators

  • Connie Sager will work with the point person on each team to assist and answer questions. 
  • Point Person of WRAP team - one per WRAP team, communicates with coordinator to give updates on foster family, oversees their WRAP team. When the foster family has a need, they can contact this point person who can then contact the rest of the WRAP team.