Becoming a Member

Mount Zion Baptist Church is a community of believers covenanted together as a local body of Christ. Membership essentially means that you are committed to being a fully engaged part of the church. Members love, give, and serve sacrificially.

You can join our church family at the end of any of our worship services. Every member of Mount Zion has trusted Christ as their Savior and has followed that decision with baptism by immersion. If you have trusted Christ but have not been baptized, just come forward at the end of one of our services. We will celebrate with you in your decision and help you schedule a time to be baptized.

For more information or help with questions about membership at Mount Zion, contact a member of our staff or use the contact form below. 


Below you will find information on how to become a member of Mount Zion,

as well as documents and resources for current members.


March 30 | 3pm | Fellowship Hall

This class is for those who are considering joining MZBC and will answer questions about

our beliefs, structure, and expectations for members. Childcare provided.

click to sign up

Member Resources

To view resources reserved for our members, click here

Call the church office for the page password.

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