big vision | big life | big difference

Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw Him,

they worshiped Him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father

and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’

- MATTHEW 28 -

what is The vision that we have for mt. zion?

The proposed expansion to our facility features a large 22,000 square foot, two-story building that would connect with the east side of our existing building. This new building features a dedicated student ministry space for worship, additional Sunday School classrooms, and an administrative suite for staff offices. On the exterior of the building, there would be a large drop-off area and a new parking lot.

We believe that this building project will place our church in a position to accommodate for long-term growth.  The new building features a worship venue that will facilitate our student ministry’s needs, allowing for their growth, and ultimately energizing our students. The worship venue will also provide meeting space for other ministry areas.

Expanding our educational space will help us accommodate more people at the 9:45 am Sunday School hour. These additional classrooms can also be used for other ministry needs such as Z-Groups, WMU group meetings, and D-Groups.

This building project will provide a second covered entrance, increase our parking capacity, and provide better traffic flow, which in turn creates easier access to our facility for your family and future guests.

Project 18|28 Plans

These are the specialized areas in which we believe God would want us to build for the coming generations. We invite you to click on each one, to see more about what each new space will provide.

  • The new cantilever drop-off will greatly improve our curb appeal on the east side of our facility and serve as an architectural enhancement that directs guests to know where to enter our facility. This new entrance will accommodate senior adults, families with young children, those with mobility issues, and guests who are new to our campus. The entrance will be in close proximity to the Senior Adult Hallway and the children’s drop-off. The plan also proposes a new parking lot that expands our capacity by 62 spaces. As we anticipate future needs, increasing our parking capacity will relieve crowding and position us to increase our regular Sunday morning attendance significantly. The parking lot will improve traffic flow and include adequate lighting and handicap parking spaces.

  • As you enter the facility, on the left, a new coffee bar area provides an inviting space for guests and church members to fellowship. You will also be able to gain access to the second floor by elevator or stairs.

  • The new Student Ministry worship venue will be able to accommodate over 300 students and volunteers. Equipped with a stage and state-of-the-art sound system, this worship space will be practical for a variety of ministry gatherings, such as Sunday School training, Membership classes, Women’s events, Men’s events, fellowships, and conferences.

  • The second story includes 14 rooms that can be used for Adult Sunday School and Student Ministry Small Groups. These fourteen rooms will improve our ability to accommodate the needs for Sunday School at the 9:45am hour but can also be used at 8:30am and 11:00am. A new elevator will be installed to facilitate easy access to the second-story classrooms.

  • Adjacent to the coffee area, a new office suite will centralize our staff into one primary location and facilitate effective ministry collaboration.


Many of these have been mailed out and may reach your home soon. If you have not received one, feel free to pick one up in the Commons, or click on the brochure cover below to download the PDF. This beautifully created magazine will give you detailed information about the Project, church finances, and our goals. There is also a list of Q&A's for you to review. We are looking forward to sharing more with you! 

above & beyond - My Gift to God

Every member has an important part to play in funding Project 18|28. While we ultimately trust God for the financial resources, we understand that God chooses to use His people in the process. Regardless of your giving level, God can use your gifts to help our church meet the fundraising goal. As every family in our church gives above and beyond their regular tithes and offerings, we will raise 4 million dollars in two years. As the Lord blesses, He may allow our church to exceed this 2-year campaign goal. We serve a Big God!


“Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?” - Luke 14:28

With the Lord’s instruction in mind, your finance team is  1) considering the church’s current financial condition and 2) developing a funding plan for this project. How can you partner with us? Ask God! Obey and Trust Him and His leading. There are several ways to pledge and give to Project 18|28. 

  • Allow God to Guide you

    ASK GOD - Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you  

                           have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 12:24... 

    OBEY GOD Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations

                            you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, 

                            you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. 

                           Exodus 19:5-6

    TRUST GOD - ... Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith

                             as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from

                             here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. 

                             Matthew 17:20

  • How can i make a pledge?

    CASH - Giving cash is the easiest way to make an immediate impact on

                   Project 18|28. We are encouraging people to give a First Fruits Offering

                  that is Above & Beyond on November 17. November 17 will also be our

                  commitment Sunday. Cash donations are typically received in

                  the offering boxes on Sundays, via online giving at our web site,  

        , or by mailing a check to our church office.

    STOCKS/BONDS - Stocks, bonds, or other similar liquid assets are readily

                  marketable, can easily be converted to cash, and may offer a tax

                  advantage the giver. 

    PROPERTY/OTHER NON-LIQUID ASSETS - Real property, such as land or

                   buildings, may be sold and the proceeds used for Project 18|28. 

  • There are several ways you can give -

    ON SUNDAYS - Giving cash or checks can be done on Sundays by depositing

                     funds in the designated boxes in the Sanctuary & Commons Areas. 

    BY MAIL - Mount Zion Baptist Church

                      Attn: Finance

                      228 Mount Zion Road

                      Huntsville, AL 35806


    THE QR CODE BELOW - Scan the QR code below to give to Project 18|28

  • scan the qr code to give to Project 18|28

Project 18|28 q&a

Please join us October 13th & 20th for an evening of Q&A. 

But in the meantime, here are some of the things you might be asking. 

  • We are asking that everyone make a two-year commitment. The fulfillment period for your commitment will begin with our First Fruits Offering on November 17, 2024, culminating in November 2026.

  • Giving “above my tithe” means to give more than one’s regular tithes and offerings.

  • No. It is a statement of intent, made in good faith, but it is not binding.

  • Yes.

  • Giving to Project 18|28 will be above regular budget giving, which resources all the ministries of Mount Zion.

  • On your check memo line, or on the envelope of a cash gift, write “Building Fund”. This will let the church know how to direct the gift to Project 18|28.

  • Yes. For gifts of stocks, securities or real estate, email Danny Terral at or call the church office at 256.837.2665.

  • Project 18|28 is about us learning to trust God more deeply. We believe that asking God how He would have you contribute to Project 18|28 will challenge you to deeper faith.

    The important thing is not how much you give, but the heart with which we give. We want everyone to share in the joy of contributing to God’s work and seeing how God builds our life of faith in the process.

  • This is a unique season of life. As we invest in the spiritual lives of this generation, future generations, and our growing city, each ministry group will have age-appropriate lessons and experiences. Be sure to have family discussions and prayer times each week to take advantage of this opportunity. Make your First Fruits Offering and 2-Year Pledge a family experience.

  • You may still participate. You may submit your pledge card and First Fruits Offering anytime online or in person by coming to the church office Monday-Friday, or on the following Sunday, November 24. The goal is 100% participation of all Church Members.

  • Jeff Walker, Jeff Bennett, Terry West, DeLena Delano, Greg Stringfield, and Pastor Kevin Moore.

  • The lobby of the CMC will be the primary location for staff during construction. Temporary offices have been set up to accommodate several ministers and ministry assistants.

  • Yes. We will have access to the cemetery.

  • We have the ability to utilize remote parking near the church.

  • According to MG&A, the entire project will take an estimated 13 months.

  • Yes. There is a family bathroom included in the reception area of the administrative offices.

  • Yes. We are equipping the new worship venue with cutting-edge audio-visual technology that will create an engaging environment for a variety of events. The AV systems will include an LED video screen, LED lighting systems, and flexible sound system to facilitate events ranging from a high-impact youth service to a conference-style meeting for a large group.